
Safeguarding Policy

Policy statement: 

The Upottery Playing Fields Charity (“The Charity”) was established in 1962. The charitable purpose is:

ï The provision of children's play equipment in the village playing field (together “the Facilities”).

 ï The provision of a playing field, and a multi-use games area known as Upottery Playing fields (next to the Manor Rooms) and the provision of a football pitch and cricket wicket and associated pavilion (comprising changing rooms, kitchen and toilet facilities) at the Gelbe park sports fields located off of Aller Hill. 


The trustees of the Charity and committee members maintain the facilities and administer the hire of the Facilities to the football and cricket clubs that use the Glebe Park. Together, we provide individuals, local organisations and groups with access to recreational and amateur sports facilities for use by both the residents of Upottery Parish and other parishes, including children, young people and vulnerable adults. This policy applies to all Members/ trustees, volunteers and anyone working on behalf of the Charity.

The Purpose of this Policy:

 ï is to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults who use the Facilities and 

ï to provide volunteers, and hirers of the Facilities with an overarching principle that guides our approach to safeguarding and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults whilst using the Facilities. 

We believe that no child, young person or vulnerable adult should ever experience abuse of any kind. We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children, young persons and vulnerable adults at risk and to keep them safe. We are committed to ensuring we practise in a way that protects them.

This policy has been drawn up on the basis of current law and guidance that seeks to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults, namely: 

ï United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child 1991 

ï Safeguarding Policy, Procedure and Guidance – GDPR Amendments

ï Children Act 2004 

ï Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 

ï Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA).

We recognise that: 

The welfare of children and vulnerable adults is paramount and that, everyone must always act in the best interest of children, young persons and adults at risk in their care. To that end, we will work in partnership with children, young people and vulnerable adults, their parents and carers, hirers and volunteers as well as organisations, clubs and groups that provide physical and recreational activities, to promote and deliver the best possible Safeguarding Practice when working with children, young people and adults at risk, essential in promoting their welfare and identifying risk of abuse or neglect whilst using the Facilities.

As a charity, we do not in the normal course of activities come into direct contact with children or vulnerable adults.  However, many of our aims and objectives involve the provision, maintenance and improvement of facilities for the benefit of young people and adults alike and providing facilities to organisations that are specifically responsible for their well-being. If in the future the charities aims and goals change to more direct contact they the training given to the committee and trustee membership would be updated as appropriate.

 In particular

We will seek to ensure that individuals within the charity (trustees and committee members have received appropriate training. We expect any UPFC committee members and Trustees to uphold the UPFC’s safeguarding values. 

Organisations and sports groups that use the Facilities and are made aware that is their responsibility to provide appropriate training and has activity specific safeguarding policies and procedures in place to promote the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults in their care. These policies are to reflect and exceed where appropriate that of the Upottery playing fields and fall in line with their governing bodies. We shall not knowingly support or involve ourselves with any organisation that is disinclined to produce evidence of such policies and officer when required.

Persons supervising these vulnerable groups should be aware that there may be workers or other groups using the facilities at the same time and they are at liberty to challenge anyone they may encounter. 

We will seek to keep children, young people, and vulnerable adults safe by:

This Policy commits all UPFC people regardless of their role, to report and refer any concerns they may have regarding the safety of any young person or vulnerable adult.

Where there is concern that any person is in immediate danger or a crime has been committed, the police should always be contacted on 999. 

Any evidence or suspicion of abuse, cruelty or discrimination against any person but especially those within these vulnerable groups should be reported to the Chair of Trustees and or safeguarding lead who will inform the appropriate authority (disclosure is covered below in more detail).  For actions involving children, young people and at-risk adults, their parents/carers will be informed appropriately.

Risks to young people and vulnerable adults:

Our risk areas are –

To mitigate these risks we look to maintain and replace play equipment where necessary and ask that the clubs, associations, parents and carers supervise their young people and vulnerable adults appropriately while using UPFC equipment and spaces. We also ask users to report breakages and items that are felt to be unsafe for usage.


It is important to recognise that the role the UPFC takes is a non contact and non-supervisory role withing the activities taking place at ‘the facilities’ and very unlikely that a disclosure would take place during the committees normal activities. However, if a UFPC member does happen to have a person or persons disclose to them during UFPC activities recognising the reacting the correct way will help the correct channels being used and the right support being issued. See annexe 1 for dealing with a disclosure for guidance.

Whistle blowers:

Safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk requires everyone to be committed to the highest possible standards of openness, integrity and accountability.

We are committed to encouraging and maintaining a culture where people feel able to raise a genuine safeguarding concern and are confident that it will be taken seriously.

 You may be the first to recognise that something is wrong but feel that you cannot express your concerns as this may be disloyal to your colleagues or you may be concerned that you will be the victim of harassment or victimisation as a result. Children, Young People and Adults at risk need someone like you to safeguard their welfare. 

What is whistle blowing? 

In the context of safeguarding, “whistle blowing” is when someone raises a concern about the well-being of a child or an adult at risk. For other issues to be raised outside of this the ‘charities complaints procedures should followed. 

A whistle blower may be: 

• another young person 

• a volunteer or Trustee; • other member of staff/sponsor/supporter 

• a parent

• a member of the public.

Whistle-blowers are protected by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA). Members can challenge practices in the charity and not be discriminated against because of it.

As such we as an organisation will treat whistle blowers or others that raise concerns with anonymity if required and respect.


If a member of the UPFC committee is found to not be upholding the values of this document then the committee and trustees then a closed meeting of the chairman, safeguarding lead and trustees shall take place to discuss and react appropriately. Results of this meeting could be but not exclusive to. 

Annexe 1


What should you do if a child or vulnerable adult comes to you and tells you that they are being abused? 

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and confused in this situation. Abuse is a difficult subject that can be hard to accept and even harder to talk about. 

People who are abused are often threatened by the perpetrators to keep the abuse a secret. Thus, telling an others takes a great amount of courage. 

They have to grapple with a lot of issues, including the fear that no one will believe them. So, care must be taken to remain calm and to show support to them throughout the disclosure phase. 

The following guidelines will help lessen the risk of causing more trauma to the child and/or compromising a criminal investigation during the disclosure phase. 

Receive: Listen to what is being said without displaying shock or disbelief. A common reaction to news as unpleasant and shocking as child abuse is denial.

 However, if you display denial to them, or show shock or disgust at what they are saying, they may be afraid to continue and will shut down. 

Accept what is being said without judgement. 

Take it seriously. 

Reassure: Reassure them, but only so far as is honest and reliable. 

Don’t make promises that you can’t be sure to keep, e.g. "everything will be all right now". 

Reassure them that they did nothing wrong and that you take what is said seriously. Don’t promise confidentiality – never agree to keep secrets. You have a duty to report your concerns. 

Tell them that you will need to tell some people, but only those whose job it is to protect them. Acknowledge how difficult it must have been to talk. It takes a lot for a anyone to come forward about abuse. 

React: Listen quietly, carefully and patiently. 

Do not assume anything – don’t speculate or jump to conclusions. Do not investigate, interrogate, or decide if they are telling the truth. 

Remember that an allegation of abuse may lead to a criminal investigation, so don’t do anything that may jeopardise a police investigation. Let them explain to you in his or her own words what happened, but don’t ask leading questions. 

Do ask open questions like "Is there anything else that you want to tell me?" Communicate with the child in a way that is appropriate to their age, understanding and preference. 

This is especially important for people with disabilities and for those whose preferred language is not English. 

Do not ask them to repeat what they have told you to another member of staff. Explain what you have to do next and whom you have to talk to. Refer directly to the named designated persons in your organisation (as set out in the organisation’s safeguarding policy). 

Do not discuss the case with anyone else. 

Record: Make some very brief notes at the time and write them up in detail as soon as possible. 

Do not destroy your original notes in case they are required by Court. 

Record the date, time, place, words used by them and how they appeared to you – be specific. Record the actual words used; including any swear words or slang. Record statements and observable things, not your interpretations or assumptions – keep it factual.